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A look at Smartsheet Q2 highlights for business project management

The Smartsheet enterprise work management platform has rolled out a slew of updates for Q2 2024 including AI capabilities, workload tracking functionality and pre-built dashboard colour themes.

According to Smartsheet, these build on Q1 updates including the addition of Dynamic Views to WorkApps, other dashboard builder enhancements, and updates to the Smartsheet Mobile app.

“Smartsheet has long offered formulas and functions that enable you to analyse data, calculate key performance indicators (KPIs), and organise information,” it said in the quarterly round-up, which you can read here.

“Harness your sheet data to craft compelling ad copy, extract specific insights, analyse sentiment, translate text, summarise tasks, and more.”

Smartsheet’s new AI functionality for the enterprise improve user abilities around formulas while eliminating the need to learn relevant syntax to generate working formulas that reference columns directly within the sheet, the vendor claimed.

The vendor has also rolled out a workload heatmap and workload schedule to help users manage multiple projects and task uncertainties. The heatmap snapshots team availability, giving a visual reference to help managers assign tasks, while the schedule expands the view of the heatmap, delivering more granularity on individual team member assignments.

“These features are designed to enhance team performance and streamline project execution,” Smartsheet said. “Workload tracking is available to licensed users on Smartsheet Business or Enterprise plans.”

Dashboard themes enables project “rail” displays in different colour themes, helping organise and visualise projects and tasks together or simply to reflect branding.

Smartsheet made seven individual product release announcements in April.

All Enterprise users sharing DataTable admins and views will now receive in-app and email notifications when errors have occurred, stating the error and identifying the relevant DataTable sheet Connection, it said.

Additionally, Workflow owners will receive in-app and email notifications for erring Data Shuttle workflows, linked to the run log, and the vendor also noted that Bridge is simplifying the access and security options for Bridge login.

“Removing Bridge-specific credentials makes it easier to get into Bridge and extends the login security settings for Smartsheet to Bridge. Users no longer need to maintain a different set of credentials for Bridge,” Smartsheet explained.

Smartsheet’s Q1 release round-up can be found here.

As reported by ITpro.com, Smartsheet customers included the 2022 Special Olympics USA.

The collaboration and project management platform was used to support “everything from the build-up to the games to the schedules at the event itself”, it said, enabling games project management to move away from reliance on multiple emailed spreadsheets to a more timely, unified approach to documentation and management.

Smartsheet bills its technology as suitable for small projects as well as large-scale processes and entire portfolios, enabling people to track and visualise work by grid, card, Gantt sheet or calendar.

( Photo by CDC on Unsplash )

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