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Octopus Deploy follows Codefresh buy with 2024.1 Server

Continuous delivery (CD) pipeline platform vendor Octopus Deploy has acquired fellow development software specialist Codefresh and rolled out a new version of the Octopus Deploy server.

Paul Stovell, founder and chief executive officer at Octopus Deploy, indicated via an announcement that acquiring US-based Codefresh would roll CD, continuous integration (CI), and Git operations into a single cloud-native platform.

“We’re adding Codefresh’s considerable technology to empower software teams to deploy freely. It represents a big investment in open source and the Argo project that Codefresh maintains and scales with its enterprise offering,” Stovell explained.

Octopus Deploy is headquartered in the Australian state of Queensland, with teams spread across the US, Israel, UK, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand.

Codefresh, founded in 2014 by Oleg Verhovsky and Raziel Tabib, is an Argo maintainer and leader in Kubernetes CD, Git ops, and CI, strengthening Octopus support for Kubernetes and focus on “best-of-breed” CD for virtual machines(VMs) and enterprise applications, the announcement said.

“The combined business positions Octopus Deploy as one of the largest privately held companies in the devops ecosystem,” it said, citing around 4000 customers, 270 staff and $60 million (£49m) in annual revenue.

Dan Garfield, co-founder and chief open-source officer at Codefresh, said that, as a result of the acquisition, the company was “going to be able to invest even more in the open source and continue to grow Argo and other open-source initiatives”.

Octopus Deploy followed up the acquisition announcement with the roll-out of its Octopus Server 2024.1, delivering OpenID Connect (OIDC) based AWS connectivity with more security, the vendor said in its March product round-up.

“OIDC has become the standard way to connect tools. We built on our OIDC support for Azure and GitHub with the addition of OIDC for AWS, letting Octopus act as a client for AWS,” it said.

“Previously, Octopus users deploying to AWS needed to store their AWS credentials configured in Octopus. You can now deploy with Octopus to AWS without any pre-shared credentials.”

Among other v2024.1 enhancements, Octopus Deploy also now offers artifactory-generic feeds, enabling use of various file types as a package which, the vendor said, would reduce the need for “workarounds” such as Maven.

“Capabilities like path patterns and access tokens ensure you can access the right packages securely. This makes it simpler and easier to connect Octopus with your pipeline,” the vendor said.

Read more on the Octopus Deploy website.

( Photo by Cosiela Borta on Unsplash )

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