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JetBrains PyCharm 2023.3.1 IDE update comes with data science drive

A new version of the lightweight JetBrains integrated development environment (IDE) for Python, PyCharm, is out in conjunction with a December data science fundraising drive.

“PyCharm is joining forces with NumFOCUS to support their year-end fundraising,” according to Roberto Pesce, writing on the JetBrains blog.

“Here at PyCharm, we acknowledge the profound impact of data science in the realm of Python and the importance of projects backed by NumFOCUS for the future of data science and the Python ecosystem.”

NumFOCUS is a non-profit organisation backing open-source projects involving scientific inquiry and looking into business processes.

If you rely on essential tools such as NumPy, Jupyter, pandas, Matplotlib, conda, or various other open-source data science projects, you also benefit from projects backed by NumFOCUS, Pesce wrote.

As part of the drive, JetBrains is offering a discount to new PyCharm professional subscribers before 23 December 2023, with the vendor donating its proceeds to NumFOCUS with a view to advancing the field of data science, he said.

PyCharm – just out in version 2023.3.1 – is aimed at professional developers working in Python.

Valeria Letusheva, announcing the update in a JetBrains blog, said the hot-fix addressed issues including a bug that was preventing users from logging in to the AI assistant.

“You can update to this version from inside the IDE, using the Toolbox App, or via snaps, if you’re using Ubuntu. You can also download it directly from our website,” Letusheva said.

The PyCharm update also enables user access status to be checked via corporate IDE licenses from the AI assistant tool window, and AI features are now turned off by default for corporate IDE licenses.

“While the plugin is already bundled, we want to let companies make their own decision about whether to use JetBrains AI Assistant or not,” Letusheva said.

Enabling AI Assistant for developers with a corporate license might take up to one hour, so we’ve implemented the ability to refresh the access status from the AI Assistant tool window immediately by clicking the Check access link, she added.

Version 2023.3 of PyCharm added web development functionality with the Django framework and Google App Engine.

Click here to view a PyCharm video tour (five minutes).

( Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay )

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