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What’s new in JetBrains code analyser Qodana 2023.2

The code-quality platform Qodana, new from a cornucopia of JetBrains developer tools, now boasts server-side analysis integrated with the 2023.2 releases of JetBrains integrated development environments (IDEs) like IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, and GoLand.

According to the vendor, there’s also enhanced code coverage support, vulnerability checking of third-party software based on Checkmarx data, and various experimental and automatic quick-fixes, all aimed at enhancing code quality.

“Besides that, now Qodana provides the new Qodana Community for Python linter,” said JetBrains in a related release note.

Linters are the means by which developers can analyse code, including finding duplicate functions or incompatible licenses.

The platform is also compatible with Bitbucket pipelines.

The v2023.2 release includes changes across Qodana linters covering ID, description, severity, default mode, CssInvalidNestedSelector and Invalid nested selector, the vendor said.

JetBrains’ Qodana platform offers a static analysis engine and can be integrated into any CI/CD pipeline, analysing code written in 60 or so languages including Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Kotlin, Python, Go, and C#.

As of 2023.2, Qodana for JVM, Qodana for Go, Qodana for Python, Qodana for JS, Qodana Community for Android, Qodana for PHP, and Qodana for .NET are also available, with future Qodana features expected to offer more than 2500 code inspections including some exclusive to Qodana.

The Qodana roadmap also mentions interactive inspection reports and dashboards, a cloud-based overview of reports, third-party license auditing and an inspection constructer, according to JetBrains.

Qodana brings all of the inspections from JetBrains IDEs to the CI/CD pipeline. Qodana scan results are available in IDEs out of the box, giving you a single source of truth for code quality,” the vendor said in its release announcement.

“Qodana is the only code quality platform on the market that uses inspections native to JetBrains IDEs and expands the smartness of your JetBrains IDE to the CI server.”

( Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay )

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