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RealVNC tweaks control and support for VNC Connect remote access

RealVNC has announced the release of RealVNC Server 7.6.0, expected to enhance the ability to control remote access to multiple devices with the company’s popular VNC Connect software.

According to RealVNC, v7.6.0 now includes support for dynamic resolutions in Virtual Mode sessions, allowing RealVNC Server to change resolution dynamically to match the size of the connected RealVNC Viewer window.

“Note that this feature also requires use of RealVNC Viewer 7.6.0 or later, and if SystemXorg mode is enabled, the RealVNC dummy driver must be installed,” the vendor said in the release notes.

With RealVNC remote access including VNC Connect, users can connect to multiple devices or networks from different locations.

RealVNC has also made improvements to the application icons in its flagship remote-access tool VNC Connect. In the Windows version, these should not longer appear blurred on devices using display scaling set at over 100%, it said.

“RealVNC Connect consists of a RealVNC Server app for computers you want to control, a RealVNC Viewer app for devices you want to control from, and an online management portal. Where helpful, changes are identified by these categories,” the vendor explained.

In RealVNC Viewer 7.6.0 for the desktop, Windows, Mac and Linux machine users on certain plans enjoy the ability to more easily see the online pre-connection status of devices, as well as display cloud-connected RealVNC Servers in their groups as configured via the RealVNC Connect Portal, it said.

Also new is support for dynamic resolutions in Virtual Mode sessions as well as improvements to wake-from-sleep and hibernation. There is also a new version of the VNC Connect Setup application.

Fixes take in macOS Rosetta prompts, RealVNC Server screen-lock configuration for macOS, and the ability to remove all access to RealVNC Server using a ‘Remove’ button in the users and permissions for administrators, the vendor said.

Industries and sectors adopting remote-access related management applications run the gamut, from warehousing and logistics to control and locate forklifts and pallets of goods to medical device monitoring and management in healthcare settings, RealVNC notes.

“Agribusinesses use Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to monitor crop conditions and start or stop irrigation whenever needed,” the vendor said.

IoT remote management is all about monitoring and supporting your remote infrastructure.”

( Photo by Jacky Chiu on Unsplash )

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