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Europe’s CoreView named a SaaS operations management leader

Microsoft 365 management specialist CoreView has been named a key Europe-based player this year in a research update of SaaS operations management market.

The company, founded in Italy by co-founders David Mascarella and Ivan Fioravanti, joins VMware, Torii, Intello, SaaSLicense, ServiceNow, BetterCloud, Zylo, Vyapin, Axios, Riverbed and Clientexec in the 360research report just out.

Most of the companies named as leaders are US-based, with exceptions from the UK and India.

The full report, “SaaS Operations Management Software Market 2022 Strategic Analysis, Growth Drivers, Industry Trends“, pinpoints drivers for growth in SaaS-based operations management in end-use industries up to 2030, noting that more applications targeting this market are becoming available.

“However, the high cost of SaaS operations management software and the stringent regulations associated with its use are restraining the growth of the market,” according to the announcement.

CoreView has said that the continued growth and expansion of hybridised IT environments and distributed teams, incorporating remote working, is driving a need for organisations to better manage Microsoft tools in the cloud, from Teams to SharePoint and beyond.

“Microsoft Teams sprawl, continual onboarding and offboarding of employees, and increased security threats can leave IT teams overwhelmed and their environments more chaotic than ever,” as the company has explained.

CoreView aims to reduce problems caused by sprawling, myriad applications by helping IT teams assign permissions, automate routine tasks and monitor assets for compliance, governance and application security.

According to CoreView, up to 50% of users at enterprises running Microsoft 365 may not be managed by default security policies within the platform, based on figures from its 2020 survey based on five million workers from enterprises running M365.

( Image by Pexels from Pixabay  )

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