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RealVNC ramps up remote access features with RPort buy

Remote-access control vendor RealVNC has acquired Rport Remote Management Software, following up swiftly with a new version of RPort targeting the enterprise.

Adam Greenwood-Byrne, chief executive officer at RealVNC, said the acquisition represented “immense opportunties” for the remote-access application company, helping it go beyond graphical screen sharing to move into fuller remote-management market possibilities.

RPort technology would contribute to plans set to be revealed in “the early part of 2023”, he said in the announcement, which added that RPort technology would target IT teams and managed services providers (MSPs).

Via web browser, command line or representational state transfer (REST) API, RPort offers functionality for inventory management, dynamic device grouping, remote and scheduled script execution, device telemetry and flexible connectivity management.

“A bulk update task targeted at 20 Windows devices could take up to two hours when executed individually in interactive screen sharing sessions. The same task could be achieved with RPort technology in less than two minutes,” according to RealVNC.

With RPort, RealVNC customers could execute a remote script on “thousands” of devices programmatically without logging individually into each device. On-prem and fully managed options will be available, it said.

RealVNC plans to add paid plugins to the foundational RPort engine, which will remain open source. RPort server/client architecture enables permanent or on-demand secure tunnels to devices inside firewalled intranets.

Following up the acquisition, RealVNC also announced v.9.0 of RPort Remote Management Software, including RPort Plus for enterprise customers as well as fixes and various new features, including single sign-on, and for saving settings or assigning user group permissions.

( Image by Phil Reese from Pixabay  )

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