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Stormshield and TheGreenBow team up in military and industrial markets

French security vendor Stormshield and VPN-focused partner TheGreenBow have extended their relationship to include key-account opportunities around the NIS 2 directive, and in industrial and defence.

Borja Perez, country manager for Iberia at Stormshield, said the NIS 2 directive is meant to improve resilience and responsiveness to cybersecurity threats across Europe’s public and private sectors.

“In the face of increasing threats and new regulations, it is a priority to work together to make progress in this area,” Perez said.

TheGreenBow and Stormshield will aim to jointly support Spanish companies trying to meet remote access and cybersecurity needs, while strengthening their technology and business partnership.

Mathieu Isaia, managing director of TheGreenBow, said in the announcement that the firms have worked together for about 15 years.

“As cyber resilience regulations multiply at the European level, the complementarity of our products enables us to offer a robust and highly secure end-to-end connection protection solution,” Isaia said.

June saw Stormshield launch its Stormshield Network VPN Client Exclusive IPsec VPN client based on TheGreenBow Enterprise VPN, with new features, security protocols and algorithms targeting sensitive and complex IT environments.

The companies have mutually recognised certifications according to French National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI) EAL3+ Common Criteria that they believe will assist them to develop “sovereign” — that is, independent, Europe-based — cybersecurity offerings.

“In addition, Stormshield is the only firewall publisher to have obtained both the Spanish Producto CCN Aprobado and Producto CCN Cualificado qualifications from the Centro Criptológico Nacional (CCN) for its Stormshield Network Security solutions,” the company said.

“The Spanish regulatory context is changing significantly with the entry into force of this new directive, which aims to strengthen the governance and management of cyber risks in the face of an increasingly sophisticated panorama of threats.”

( Photo by Érik González Guerrero on Unsplash )

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