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TextHelp and Disability:IN report out on neurodiversity and work

Inclusive tech specialist software provider TextHelp has been working with lobby group Disability:IN to raise awareness of the true levels of neurodiversity and related issues in the workplace.

According to a survey by the two partners, many don’t know that one in every five people could be classed as neurodivergent.

Neurodivergent people have atypical mental or neurological conditions — such as autism, dyslexia or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

“Only 12% of the neurodivergent and five percent of neurotypical respondents are aware that one in five people are neurodivergent. Most people (over 91% of those surveyed) lack awareness of how common neurodiversity is,” the TextHelp announcement said.

TextHelp and Disability:IN noted that most people work among neurodivergent people every day without realising it.

If this is better understood, people might be more “understanding and inclusive” in their own actions and interactions. For example, 56% of neurodivergent respondents indicated having communication problems at work, the company said.

“Raising awareness could help reduce some of the challenges experienced in the workplace,” TextHelp said.

Sixty-four percent of neurodivergent respondents indicated their organisation could be doing more to support neurodiversity in the workplace. Some 52% of neurotypical respondents agreed, the company said.

The July 2022 poll collected responses from 1,000 individuals in the US, including 500 neurodivergent employees.

About half of the neurodivergent respondents said they had dyslexia or autism. Eighteen percent indicated suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 12% dyspraxia, four percent dyscalculia, and one percent indicated having some other neurodivergent condition.

According to TextHelp, the results underline the importance of considering neurodivergence when ensuring inclusivity and participation in the workplace – ensuring organisations can benefit from everyone’s talents and abilities.

Creating a workplace culture where all employees feel accepted and able to embrace and elevate their unique skills and ideas is not only good practice, it’s good for business, the company said.

TextHelp’s suite of products includes Read&Write and ReachDeck for work, as well as Equatio, WriQ, OrbitNote, and FluencyTutor for schools.

( Photo by Rob Hobson on Unsplash )

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