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JetBrains invites developers to online events for gamers and .NET

Developer tools maker JetBrains has announced the dates for this year’s two online .NET Days and its new GameDev Day as 25-27 October.

According to JetBrains’ developer advocate Maarten Balliauw, the company invites community speakers to the events to cover topics including C#, F#, ASP.NET, Blazor, REST, GraphQL, gRPC, stories about contributing to open-source packages, and building microservices.

“On top of that, we’ll discuss algorithm performance and background tasks in .NET,” Balliauw wrote on the JetBrains blog.

The third full day, which is new this year, will be devoted to game development.

Sessions will focus on working with leading gamedev platforms Unity and Unreal Engine. Click here for both full agendas.

“We invited six experts from various areas to handle talks and discussions, and share pro tips on how to craft the best games. We’ll cover aspects of performance, UI, and developer habits,” Balliauw said.

Presentations will be streamed live on YouTube with sessions recorded and available to catch up on later as well, he added.

Click here to register for either or both events.

In other news, JetBrains continues prolific rollout of new features and updates for multiple tools and dev environments.

Details on a few September bug fixes for ReSharper and Rider 2022.2.3 can be found here.

September has also seen it launch a new track within JetBrains Academy, focused on teaching backend developers how to work with SQL.

( Image from ‘Rock of Ages’, developed in Unreal Engine 3: ACE TeamCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons )

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