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BitTitan talks up streamlined migration methods and benefits

Mailboxes, documents, personal archives, and applications — migrating any or all of these can be a headache without specific software or skills.

Holly Cary, writing for migration software vendor BitTitan, recommends that organisations invest in bundled offerings incorporating licensing that can streamline the work involved, making tenant-to-tenant software migrations easier.

“It’s the best way to move multiple workloads including mailboxes, documents, personal archives, Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint,” Cary writes on the BitTitan blog.

Cary indicates multiple scenarios where bundling of migration tools can be useful, including mergers, acquisitions or divestitures. In a complex, high-stakes project, the migration may be just one component but can still be disruptive of users and therefore the business operation itself.

“Your migration strategy needs to be aligned with the corporate restructuring. This could mean moving all data, or just a portion of mailboxes, files, and Teams between tenants,” Cary notes.

Another scenario is consolidation of multiple tenants, which means moving away from the practice of dividing subsidiaries or business units among various tenants. Whereas once it was important to recognise the autonomy of individual departments or locations, cloud deployments have spurred a change in thinking.

“Organisations have found that [using a] a single tenant helps them operate more efficiently and collaboratively,” Cary writes.

Transitions affecting the productivity platforms and applications used can also spark a migration requirement — perhaps from Microsoft 365 to Google or vice versa, according to BitTitan.

The vendor says the tenant migration bundle by MigrationWiz was based on end user feedback.

“The new structure of the bundle pairs a Flex Collaboration License with a User Migration Bundle license, simplifying tenant migration for anyone planning a Microsoft 365 migration,” writes Cary.

“The tenant-to-tenant bundle was specifically designed for Microsoft 365 users that wanted to move, consolidate, or divest from one tenant to another. With DeploymentPro as part of the package, you can easily automate Outlook configuration post-migration.”

( Photo by Barth Bailey on Unsplash )

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