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Data governance can be about optimising business agility: Solidatus

Adding data governance dimensions including quality, ownership and sourcing isn’t just about compliance but ensuring agility — by enabling organisations to reuse data and processes efficiently as market conditions change.

That’s according to Solidatus co-CEO and co-founder Philip Dutton.

The data lineage and data governance application vendor says the right solutions will help customers optimise the business value of their data.

“Instead of being controlled by data and the regulator, we want that nirvana state of using the data in order to turn on a dime to market conditions and new opportunities,” Dutton says, in a Solidatus blog post.

The data governance that can achieve that must be both flexible and adaptable — enabling organisations to respond to market dynamics. Organisations must not only have high quality and trustworthy data assets, but develop those sets in the face of change, according to Dutton.

However, an agile data governance framework needs buy-in from the business – not just from senior management, but across the board so that it shifts from a siloed way of thinking and doing things to an actual culture, according to Solidatus.

That means incorporating people, policies and processes, by default and design, it said.

Data lineage-led technologies, including from Solidatus, can go beyond basic governance by adding data dimensions, such as quality, ownership and sourcing.

With this additional data knowledge, organisations can design, implement and reuse governance that works alongside, rather than hampers, their operation, the vendor said.

( Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

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