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DocuSign looks ahead to boosted 2022 revenues and margins

E-signatures and digital agreements vendor DocuSign has charted a ramp-up of international sales, including through the channel, for the year ahead.

In its 31 December 2021 investor presentation, the vendor said it is looking to grow revenues 68% by the end of Q3 2022, with global turnover accounting for 23% of the company’s total revenue for the year.

DocuSign’s key strategies to achieve this include targeted investment in resellers across the top-tier markets as well as seed-and-grow strategies in countries with high potential for investment via localised partner and digital sales and support, it said.

In digital-only and emerging markets, the digital-first strategy would be further supported by indirect sales through “key resellers“.

Additionally, DocuSign is looking to expand its team from 5,364 people in Q3 2021 to 7,056 by the end of Q3 2022 — while increasing subscription and total gross margins as well as cashflows and income overall. Customer base currently totals 1.11m.

E-signature implementations are set to be followed up by more comprehensive approaches to documentation as represented by the likes of DocuSign Agreement Cloud, with capabilities across preparation, signing, managing and acting on documents.

DocuSign sees Agreement Cloud as a “broader opportunity” that could be worth around $50 billion.

“Agreements are the foundation of doing business but agreement processes are manual and disconnected — which results in wasted time, needless costs, more errors, and greater risk,” the company said.

DocuSign reported Q3 2021 revenue of $545m, up 42% year on year.

Beyond e-signatures and Agreement Cloud, the vendor also offers an expanding portfolio of contract lifecycle management (CLM) applications.

These include DocuSign CLM, DocuSign Insight to help customers understand what’s in their contracts, DocuSign Analyzer for automated clause and term analysis for incoming agreements, incorporating risk scoring of contract content, and DocuSign Notary secure notary-specific videoconferencing.

( Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash )

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