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Vyond animations engage Scientific Games staff, empowering HR

Human resources (HR) management and policies can be tricky to communicate and implement — which is why Scientific Games’ Susie Fotheringham suggests adding creative video animations from the likes of Vyond.

Fotheringham is director of employee benefits at the gaming and lottery products supplier. Like many organisations, Scientific Games struggles to make dense, complex topics engaging and accessible for busy staff.

With Vyond, HR has begun making short, creative and engaging videos that both entertain and inform.

“We wanted to illustrate our message in a fun way that would capture the attention of our audience. We ourselves as a team found animation and video as a much easier way to digest complex benefits information,” she says in a Vyond case study.

“We wanted to explain our benefits and provide resources that you didn’t just have to read or listen to.”

“With the majority of our employees working from home, we lost that connection and visibility. Our employees’ needs to get and learn about care relied on virtual options. We had to adapt quickly.”

Zoom meetings and PowerPoint presentations often aren’t engaging on their own, she notes, while outsourcing the videos would have been beyond budget.

“With absolutely no experience in this space, we honestly were surprised at how easy Vyond made the process,” she says.

“We kept improving our output because we learned new techniques or because of a recent product release.”

How Vyond videos can help

Use of humour to make a human connection can be particularly helpful, the organisation has found, as can using video as part of a multi-channel approach that reaches more people and parts of an organisation.

“Personal or human connection is literally embedded in every function of HR – particularly benefits,” says Fotheringham.

“Benefits affect you, your family, wellbeing and more often than not, people don’t invest the time to learn about it until either they are sick or someone they love is sick.”

Vyond won a Finny prize for best B2B sales enablement content at the 2021 Killer Content Awards. According to the team, more than ever, award-winning content comes down to powerful storytelling that engages audiences.

( Photo by Plann on Unsplash )

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