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Many think hacking is OK if not for profit — underlining cybersecurity’s importance

Nearly four in every ten respondents in a US consumer survey by NordVPN say that hacking people’s IT is acceptable if it helps others, is not for profit, or exposes truths — in other words, if the end appears to justify the means.

According to NordVPN, 37% say hacking is acceptable in at least some circumstances, with around two in five Americans (42%) admitting they would hack into the computer of someone they know or dislike if given a chance.

“Another 23% would like to hack their spouse, 22% would hack their children, 14% said their boss, 12% their siblings, 11% said their parents or their doctor, 10% said their neighbors and eight percent would hack their co-workers,” the VPN vendor said in a press release.

Daniel Markuson, digital privacy expert at NordVPN, indicated that the results from its 1007-person survey in April 2021 underlined the importance of cybersecurity technologies, strategies and techniques.

“By learning about the most common hacking methods and arming yourself with the right tools, internet users can identify vulnerabilities and stop attackers,” Markuson said.

The NordVPN angle – just marketing?

Of course, VPN is just one technology among many that can help users develop a multilayered and effective approach to cybersecurity.

Online reviewing website VPN Overview says NordVPN has been a leader in the VPN market since 2019.

“For starters, NordVPN does not keep any logs. That’s a good thing to hear if you value your privacy,” according to an October 2021 update by VPN Overview.

“NordVPN also has servers that work with several streaming platforms. NordVPN is fast, has military-grade encryption, servers all over the world, and is reasonably priced.”

Added features include password manager NordPass and secured cloud storage offering NordLocker.

“Having their headquarters in Panama also means NordVPN is not susceptible to data-sharing across the 14 Eyes alliance,” according to the review, which can be read in full here.

NordVPN has just kicked off its Black Friday pricing, with its new deal reviewed by Adam Marshall for tech news site TechRadar this week.

( Image copyright © NordVPN 2021. All rights reserved )

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