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Construction managers ‘sometimes forget to lead people through change’

Construction project software vendor Bluebeam has suggested that managers might need to focus more on leading technology developments and adoption across their industry.

Courtney Dvorak, blogging for Bluebeam, says: “We as managers lead people to the change and set an expectation that they adopt the new ways. But this doesn’t always work as well as we’d like.”

Dvorak suggests this is because “change is an individual game” — noting that construction industry leaders must directly help teams get the most out of digital applications, including Bluebeam Revu.

“Managers lead people, but sometimes forget to lead their people through change,” Dvorak’s post states.

Constructon managers must not only build support for initiatives within the teams they lead but work to meet employee needs and allay fears, for example.

“Managers are closest to where the change happens, and they are a company’s front line to manage and mitigate resistance,” Dvorak says.

“When a manager supports a change and their employees trust them, you’re more likely to have higher adoption rates.”

Leaders managing construction firms through adoption of new technologies should focus on communication, advocacy (perhaps assigning a sponsor or ‘champion‘), support and connection to achieve the best results, according to Dvorak.

“Reinforce the business reason for the change, why (teams) should participate, how the change will be happening and any other relevant details,” Dvorak says.

“If you don’t have the answer, stay positive and let them know you will figure it out and get back to them.”

Read the full Bluebeam blog post here. Parts 1 and 2 are here and here.

( Photo by Headway on Unsplash )

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