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Bugsnag by SmartBear achieves ISO 27001 for app stability and error management

SmartBear‘s Bugsnag subsidiary has achieved a coveted international rating for its data handling and privacy capabilities.

According to the developer tools specialist, Bugsnag error monitoring, stability management and continuous improvement processes around security now comply with the international-standard criteria for ISO 27001 compliance.

James Smith, SVP of the Bugsnag product group at SmartBear, noted that enterprises are under increasing pressure to deliver secure, high quality applications.

“Bugsnag is taking the steps to ensure it will not become an additional attack vector for businesses,” Smith said in the official announcement. ” We recognise that the threat landscape is constantly changing.”

The ISO 27001 standard promotes continuous improvement of security processes and shows Bugsnag’s commitment to data privacy and security, as well as its commitment to customer excellence for its error monitoring and stability management platform, according to SmartBear.

“This required a comprehensive audit of all the security controls that protect Bugsnag’s customer data, including access control, encryption, security testing, security awareness training, risk management and business continuity.”

SmartBear tools include TestComplete, Swagger, ReadyAPI, Cucumber, Zephyr and others, covering test automation, API lifecycle, collaboration and performance testing requirements across mobile, web and desktop applications.

According to ResearchAndMarkets, the automation testing market alone is expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 14.2% until around 2026.

“With the continuous movement of software development to devops and other high-paced developments, there is a more frequent requirement to specify test environments to ensure that systems work efficiently,” according to ResearchAndMarkets.

SmartBear Software, Cigniti, Parasoft, Keysight and other companies were named as leaders in the field in the January 2021 report.

According to SmartBear, a Bugsnag report has shown that even four nines of application stability aren’t enough to keep customers returning.

“Just a one percent lower stability score can lead to a drop of almost one whole star in the app stores,” the company said.

Mobile apps are powering an increasing number of customer interactions, making them more important than ever for business growth.”

( Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash )

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