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InfoWorld hails project-wide error checks in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

JetBrains has unveiled an update to its flagship Java IDE, IntelliJ IDEA — including project analysis and build system improvements.

According to InfoWorld reviewer Paul Krill, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 comes with a range of improvements, including the ability to check Java code changes for errors prior to compilation for users of the Ultimate edition.

“In both the Ultimate and Community editions of the IDE, version 2021.2 also will initiate several actions when a project is being saved including reformatting code and optimising imports,” wrote Krill.

Version 2021.2 of the Java development environment also eases management of Maven and Gradle dependencies with a Package Search plug-in, he said.

Also, a new two-step JavaFX project wizard has been introduced and developers can mark public, protected, and private Java members in different ways, Krill said.

New inspections have been added for particular use cases in data flow analysis as well as a new migrate refactoring capability for those moving projects or modules to Jakarta EE.

“By default, Kotlin code completion now works based on the machine learning mechanism,” added Krill. Read the full InfoWorld article on ChannelAsia.

JetBrains has previously commissioned Forrester to produce an analysis of IntelliJ IDEA. The report found that developers using the platform could be more productive throgh better focus, live analysis and real-time recommendations for their code.

“Developers were able to complete their work 20% faster and with less disruption. Further, IntelliJ IDEA enabled developers to write better code,” according to the Forrester research.

( Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash )

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