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Developers in global JetBrains poll increasingly rely on the cloud

Twice as many developers work in or on cloud solutions compared to four years ago, according to an annual survey by tooling specialist JetBrains.

JetBrains’ fifth annual developer ecosystem survey tracks use of programming languages, applications, tools, frameworks and developer habits, based on input from some 32,000 developers across 183 countries and regions, writes Anastassiya Sichkarenko, a marketer at JetBrains.

Sichkarenko said the State of Developer Ecosystem 2021 report confirmed the growth in cloud computing — with more developer tools introduced as well as the expansion of home working practices due to Covid-19.

“The usage of cloud versions has doubled in the last four years. In early 2020 about 70% of developers worked from the office. Now 80% work from home,” she said.

Other findings highlighted the popularity of JavaScript, Python and Java — with the fastest growing languages now Python, TypeScript, Kotlin, SQL and Go.

Sixty-nine percent of respondents used JavaScript in the last 12 months, with 39% naming it their primary programming language, Sichkarenko added in the blog post, which you can read in full here.

“More female developers are coming to the tech industry – women are more likely to be involved in data analysis and machine learning or UX/UI design/research,” she said.

“But [they’re] less likely to work in infrastructure development/devops, system administration, or deployment [than men].”

JetBrains says developers interested in participating in 2022 can join the research panel via this link.

Click here to read the full State of Developer Ecosystem 2021 report.

( Photo by Ariel Pilotto on Unsplash )

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