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Should you train with CBT Nuggets? Here’s what two customers say

When Garett Schulte was made redundant from his US warehouse job five years previously, he had been working 60 hours a week driving forklifts — and didn’t know what his future direction should be.

Schulte says that, on studying for CompTIA’s A+ certification with online trainer CBT Nuggets, he quickly set off on a new career trajectory in a role he enjoys.

“When we lost one of our biggest customers, they laid off 50% of the warehouse,” Schulte confirms, in this CBT Nuggets video. “[CBT Nuggets] gave me an opportunity to buckle down and learn.”

Now he works in a distribution firm helping with logistics needs as well as troubleshooting the likes of Citrix and Windows Server both remotely and in-house.

“They (CBT Nuggets) are always there to help you out,” Schulte says. “I enjoy what I do now and I couldn’t say that in the past. That’s the biggest thing.”

In another CBT Nuggets testimonial, IT associate Donna Davis talks about her experiences since being diagnosed with lupus aged 15. Due to her condition, she was seeking a way to improve her prospects and training within the time and energy available.

“I have been under the threat of dialysis for many years. I have had chemotherapy twice and been on medicines,” she says.

“Hardware was never my thing — back in the day desktop support was separate. So through doing the A+, CBT Nuggets helped me.”

Davis says the provider supplied a lot of material, including videos, that made the training both interesting and comprehensible — which made it easy to pass her certification.

Working in IT allows her the flexibility she needs, as well as the increased independence she seeks, she says.

“Lupus comes with a lot of fatigue; every night you feel like you’ve only had two hours of sleep. So I have to really manage my time and energy to figure out a way to make life happen,” says Davis in the CBT Nuggets video.

CompTIA‘s A+ training is considered foundational and designed for both beginner and experienced desktop support specialists, including new or aspiring network engineers.

“With this certification, you’ll show employers that you have proven skills that can be counted on,” says CBT Nuggets.

Read G2 reviews of CBT Nuggets.

( Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash )

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