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Can PDF choices help drive profits? Yes, argues Foxit founder

PDF technology is not the first thing companies typically think of when targeting top-line revenue growth. However, Foxit founder and chairman Eugene Xiong believes it can play a key role.

In a Forbes Technology Council article, Foxit’s Xiong explains that digital technologies have become more important to the marketing and sales process due to the ongoing global pandemic.

“Videoconferencing and digital collaboration, for example, have become absolutely essential to engaging and selling to customers,” Xiong writes.

“I’ve witnessed the growing use of PDF by businesses to drive top-line revenue.”

Xiong points out that content marketing and digital customer support have become increasingly important. These trends are making PDF technologies more critical to productivity — particularly in an age of increased remote working.

There is an increased need to digitally sign business contracts and agreements. PDFs increase revenue by increasing businesses’ ability to do deals anywhere, any time. Similarly, digital documentation increases the scope for self-service and self-support of customers — freeing up resources to drive new revenue streams or business.

“Branch offices are a significant investment and can’t be built everywhere. With electronic signing, PDF documents, forms and contracts allow you to do business anywhere,” he points out.

“Customers want to research and make purchases when it is most convenient for them. This may be outside of standard business hours. Naturally, you want to accommodate them. Delivering information about your products and services in PDF documents provides a compelling offer that can increase revenue by providing 24/7 self-service purchasing.”

While websites can deliver much of this information, customers often need to download materials including account documents or user manuals with text, pictures and video. PDF is typically the best format for delivering those documents, notes Foxit‘s Xiong.

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Click here to read the full blog post on Forbes.

( Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash )

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