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Jobs platform ships new code, slashes test times with BrowserStack

AirTasker, a SaaS-based gig economy platform for outsourcing tasks such as repairs, removals or gardening, is seeing gains from adopting BrowserStack tools to help it scale and update its code faster for multiple devices and browsers.

Kanak Kalburgi, senior automation engineer at AirTasker, said the company sought to embed a culture of continuous delivery with shorter feedback cycles. BrowserStack allows AirTasker’s development team to check multiple states in parallel and ship code to two million users multiple times every day.

“Our mobile team aims to release new versions of the app each week. We want to ensure that when we deliver code, all of our bread-and-butter scenarios work well for every user, Kalburgi said.

Airtasker now uses Browserstack every 30 minutes, generating some 500 daily tests across every critical stage of the user journey. Devops can ensure continuous regression-free delivery of new features and functionality as the community marketplace grows.

This reduced AirTasker’s reliance on manual quality assurance testing, and is helping them develop an automated testing framework.

“We had a massive backlog of features that had to be tested and we were increasing our employee base. There were hardly any Q.A. resources within the company and it was causing a bottleneck,” Kalburgi said.

“The big thing for us was to be realistic. It wasn’t worth our while to reinvent the wheel and spin up our own infrastructure for browsers, devices, and their own drivers. Instead, we looked for a scalable and on-demand solution. The answer was BrowserStack.”

BrowserStack identifies root causes of specific problems and recommends the right solutions.

BrowserStack Live manually verifies Airtasker across browsers, and BrowserStack Automate and BrowserStack AppAutomate were also implemented for automated testing. According to Kalburgi, this is helping AirTasker achieving the goal of continuous delivery.

“We have unlimited executions on BrowserStack for our current level of subscription,” he added. “It’s hard to imagine how we could have scaled to this level without being able to run tests at our own beck and call.”

Airtasker also analyses a master suite of 500 tests on-demand using BrowserStack, taking 15 minutes instead of three hours to verify all core scenarios and eliminate any manual intervention for regression testing.

More BrowserStack sessions can be run in parallel to speed things up further, Kalburgi said.

(Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash)

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