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How Axure helps prove software concepts and launch startups – fast

When Benjamin Stanley wanted to launch a software startup, he adopted the Axure platform to help minimise the work and investment of building and testing out an initial idea.

“At the pre-seed stage, the company needed to generate traction with potential clients to secure investment and bring its product to market without the cost of full software development,” confirms content manager Anthony Lehr, in the Axure case study here.

The result was SureVX, an emerging B2B fintech that provides management of financial transactions through smart contracts — the new breed of self-executing contracts, using technologies such as blockchain to track and trace changes that affect a transaction as they happen.

Prototyping with Axure meant SureVX could start to generate buzz and sales prospects without spending too much time or money on software development at a very early stage.

“Talk is cheap in blockchain world, so we needed to get something real in front of customers without risking our precious capital on building a full product,” says Stanley.

Axure RP is a platform that’s popular for its ability to collaborate on prototypes for user testing of product features by UX specialists as well as working out interactive design specifications for developers of websites and user interfaces.

“Axure RP lets you build complex interactions without writing code,” writes Lehr. “The Axure platform supports fluid collaboration between UX, design, and development teams.”

Creating simple stylised forms would not have achieved the credibility with clients that SureVX needed. They had to prototype realistic workflows, and Axure RP enabled that via a graphical ‘no-code’ interface that the team found very easy to use, Lehr explains.

An interactive wireframe was built to the project’s requirements, and a remotely based visual designer polished up the look and feel. All of this was done directly on the Axure platform. After multiple iterations, the user experience was validated, and the prototype handed to a developer.

“Axure Cloud makes it easy to share prototypes with potential clients,” Lehr said.

Find out more about best practice with Axure here.

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