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Cerberus upgrades FTP Server 11 with PostgreSQL database support

Cerberus added Report Manager support for the PostgreSQL database in its official FTP Server 11.2.5 release on 15 July, as well as issuing four fixes.

PostgreSQL is an advanced open-source object-relational database that runs on the major operating systems and has useful add-ons such as the PostGIS geospatial database extender.

In addition, Cerberus FTP Server 11.2.5 includes a fix for file report generation in Report Manager when using SQL Server 2008 R2 as the database and for extension blocking and time display in Log Manager.

Previously, logoff event rules with email session report action could only select a default email server although there are multiple SMTP servers – this too has been fixed.

Download Cerberus FTP Server 11.2.5 in the latest 32-bit or 64-bit versions here.

In FTP Server 11.2.4, Cerberus enabled verification of remote host certificates alongside an array of fixes and upgrades issued in late June.

“When running as an application, as opposed to running as a Windows Service, Cerberus did not verify remote host certificates; Cerberus could not verify valid remote host certificates because of expired certificates in the OS trust store,” the release notes explained.

Both of these issues were fixed.

In addition, there were fixes for Cerberus crashes when uploading files using MODE Z compression, and the triggering of directory created events when dragging and dropping folders in the http: or https: web client. Since 11.2.4, Event Manager also triggers file transfer events when uploading files to virtual directories with a trailing slash.

The late-June release also incorporated other minor bug fixes and improvements to the product. It follows on from 11.2.3 on 15 June, which added fixes as well as the ability to filter log files by IP or username, as well as changing admin passwords independently from editing admin accounts when in Server Manager.

The full list of fixes and additions to Cerberus FTP Server is here.

Cerberus notes: “FTP Server 11.0 introduced a couple of minor, yet backward-incompatible changes to the Cerberus SOAP API. In particular, the SOAP API operations for GetLicenseInfo and GetLogMessages now provide richer data. Please see the Cerberus SOAP API Reference for more information about the SOAP API.”

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