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Tricentis: Team up to ramp up software transformation

Sandeep Johri, CEO of continuous software testing and automation specialist Tricentis, has been speaking out on Forbes about working together to help organisations through the pandemic, in what he describes as a form of “corporate compassion”.

This means going beyond the so-called new normal to do more, he says.

“After talking to customers and partners, participating in several executive roundtables, and just following the news, it became clear that doing more was an obligation,” Johri [pictured, above] explains.

“[Leaders are] preparing to move forward on all sorts of things that once seemed impossible, such as remote professional services for highly regulated industries,” he writes. “Let’s act to get out of this together.”

Johri points to charitable acts, such as providing resources and software free, to help build, test, deploy, promote and optimise COVID-19 response technologies more quickly.

Other ways to help include upskilling, and rethinking payment and licensing options for customers, he says — for example, providing extensions to a renewal period.

Tricentis also offers resources online around software testing and automation, such as this data testing checklist.

How better software testing helps

Wayne Yaddow, a consultant blogging for Tricentis, reports that data warehousing, integrations and migrations are becoming critical as firms aim to transform an exploding data environment and gain a competitive edge. This makes data quality issues within testing projects a key challenge.

Yaddow says issues are typically found across schema design and modelling, data source profiling, data staging and ETLs, data transformations including cleaning and enrichment, and data reporting.

Tricentis’ checklist, he says, outlines tests that can identify data deficiencies across eight dimensions, including accuracy, completeness, consistency and precision. This should help developers to expose flaws and improve releases.

One key beneficiary is public sector innovation.

Tricentis signed a software licensing deal with the US State of California on 20 May, enabling its Department of General Services to streamline procurement of tools for continuous software development.

Martin Klaus, vice president of product marketing at Tricentis, said: “This will ultimately help serve citizens more quickly and efficiently by empowering agencies to deliver innovation without the bottleneck and expense associated with traditional manual software testing.”

Through the California software licensing programme, local public sector entities can more easily adopt Tricentis offerings including Tosca, qTest, and LiveCompare. Tricentis Tosca is a continuous testing platform that enables fast and continuous feedback for Agile and devops. Tricentis qTest is a suite of Agile testing tools designed to improve efficiency and collaboration.

LiveCompare provides AI-powered impact analysis for SAP updates, exposing risks to critical business processes and identifies the most-at-risk areas for testing.

According to Tricentis, LiveCompare can deliver SAP updates up to 85% faster, with 100% risk coverage, comparing current SAP installations with a proposed custom release or standard SAP update.

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