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Defend users from insider threat – and contractor risk – with one solution

When Korea’s largest power-grid IT services provider, KDN, needed to grant privileged access to remote contractors and several corporate servers, it turned to insider threat management specialist Ekran System.

KDN, a subsidiary of the Korean Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), has 1200 employees and provides sales services across the country. Saving time and effort means outsourcing management of certain platforms to subcontractors – a thorny problem for security and monitoring.

“Major business areas are building, maintaining, and repairing IT systems in the electric power industry, including the stages of generation, transmission, distribution, and sales,” according to Ekram. “Remote vendors need privileged access to several corporate servers.”

KDN decided on Ekran System’s solution for monitoring the various subcontractors, due to its features, usability and price. Ekran System clients were implemented on each server to which subcontractors had access.

Screen-capture functionality allows for the recording of all user activity, and all textual inputs through the keyboard are logged. User activity reports from launched applications can be generated daily, weekly or monthly.

Read more here.

US-based Ekran’s solutions also help the Constitutional Court of Korea audit and manage sensitive data in court records provided to the public over the internet. It also works with Cecabank to help it reduce the risk of SWIFT account compromise, and provides remote user monitoring and staff productivity analysis to companies managing remote teams. Read more case studies.

“We see our mission in providing our customers with an efficient and easy-to-use tool to address all their insider threat monitoring needs as well as improve their compliance and meet security audit requirements,” the company said.

The average annual cost of insider threats is $11.45m per enterprise, according to Ponemon Report 2020: Cost of Insider Threats analysis. In addition, Verizon’s 2019 Data Breach Investigations report suggested that about a third of all breaches are caused by insiders – rising to 59% for data breaches in the healthcare sector.

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