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Make containerisation choices easier with Red Hat Marketplace

Red Hat has unveiled a catalogue of containerised software that to ease customers into building Kubernetes applications to deploy on OpenShift.

The unified, comprehensive catalogue, dubbed Red Hat Marketplace, targets developers working across multiple-cloud environments, on premises or at the edge, according to the announcement. It was created in collaboration with Red Hat’s technology partners.

“Kubernetes is hard. Building, deploying and managing Kubernetes applications at scale is critical to enterprise growth and security,” explains Lars Herrmann, blogging for Red Hat.

“To get the job done, developers need access to commercial quality, certified solutions: easy to find, easy to acquire, easy to use, and no internal blowback.”

Red Hat Marketplace supports broad development needs across 12 categories, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, databases, developer tools, logging, tracing, monitoring, security, storage, and networking, Herrmann writes.

The catalogue aims to be a one-stop shop, with an expanding inventory of software that’s been designed and certified to work on the OpenShift platform, targeting developers and ops teams.

Red Hat Marketplace aims to provide fast access to enterprise-grade solutions and automated deployment to any cloud through Kubernetes Operators, with pre-approved certified solutions that will pass the “sniff test” of procurement, operations and management, Herrmann said.

“Red Hat Marketplace is also a destination to try and procure other Red Hat products such as storage, integration, and runtimes and IBM products that work with, and add value to, OpenShift,” he said.

The catalogue is initially being rolled out in the USA, with other regions added “in the coming months”. All those interested are invited to offer feedback via [email protected] or by clicking the blue ‘Feedback’ bar in the Red Hat Marketplace.

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