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Widgit offers pathway to improved communication for many with symbols software

Many organisations today are looking to make their practices and processes more diverse and welcoming to people with different requirements. Widgit Software is one company that can help — as this InPrint 3 case study from Widgit demonstrates.

It’s no exaggeration to say that InPrint 3 has helped Bryn become independent enough to own his own home.

When Bryn left school in July 2016, he wasn’t in a very good place, suffering from stress, frustration and emotional outbursts. But his mother, Karen, adopted Widgit Symbols and Software – InPrint 3) to help him get his message across.

Widgit’s products use symbols to support text, helping people read, understand and communicate. The software can be used to create visual media like documents, flashcards and timetables for education, healthcare, government and justice applications.

“With the InPrint 3 tools and good speech and language support, we have been able to help Bryn make amazing progress over the last few years. Bryn is clever and knows what he wants but struggles, with almost no language,” explains Karen.

“Before, when we tried somewhere new or special with him, he often wouldn’t get out of the car, but now with a symbol-supported schedule he tries things.”

A word book for partner-aided communication was produced to help Bryn, alongside a speech and language therapist.

“I made the symbols pull-off Velcro as Bryn was more familiar with picture exchange than pointing – the book grew with his ability to use it. Bryn can now ask to go to a specific swimming pool, or for ‘laptop’ or his paddling pool. But more than request – It can help explain ‘no’ and choices and this has helped him cope better. We are working on core vocabulary to really open up his communication,” says Karen.

Read the full case study.

Using Widgit, Karen was able to facilated Bryn’s participation in the Home Ownership for people with Long-term Disabilities (HOLD) programme – enabling him to buy a home and live near his mother.

Widgit’s symbol software is used by teachers, parents and other professionals to help revolutionise communications for people with special requirements.

Read more about the value of assistive technologies.

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