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Altaro e-book out on stopping ransomware in its tracks

Altaro Software has published an e-book to help customers fight ransomware – one of the most potentially devastating malware forms threatening the finances of businesses and individuals.

The backup and replication specialist explains: “Ransomware encrypts your data using algorithms that cannot be cracked or reversed in practical terms. We’re not talking about password protecting a Word document.

“We’re talking about applying things like AES 256 or other strong encryption to all your critical data, using a key that is unique to you. Either you pay up, or you lose the data.”

Defending and protecting an organisation’s computers from ransomware attacks, Altaro experts write in its free guide and associated webinar, is all about working up a good layered defence and responding appropriately should you fall victim to such an extortion attempt.

“But take heart, as this is not a lost cause nor reason to cancel your internet and go back to paper and pen. There are several things end users and businesses can do.”

Anti-virus alone won’t be sufficient, warns Altaro.

However, while no one is going to brute-force the password, or figure out a way to reverse it for you, and you can’t go online to find someone else who paid up, then posted the passphrase online, there are a series of practices that could tip the odds in your favour.

Altaro takes the reader through approaches from limiting user rights, blocking attachments, and deploying anti-malware solutions to scanning downloads, execution control and privileged-access workstations (PAWS) and much more in the 29-page guide.

Sign up to download the e-book, “Ransomware: A Survival Guide”, here.

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