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Learn how to combine C++Builder with MSVC++ on YouTube

Embarcadero has published a YouTube video series explaining how to combining C++Builder with MSVC++.

Developers can learn by following 10 videos in the series, with a 10-minute overview hosted by Embarcadero MVP Rob Swindell (pictured).

“My experience with the C++ development tools from Borland, and Emprise, CodeGear and Embarcadero, goes back 30 years, to the original Turbo C – probably version 2.0,” he says in the introductory overview.

“I’ve been very involved with a lot of other embedded development environments, Unix, Gnu, C-compilers and many others.”

The full “Rapid C++ Development: Combining C++Builder with MSVC++” playlist is on YouTube here.

“Even an experienced developer may assume that all object files and library files are interoperable,” says Swindell.

More information about C++Builder can be found on the Embarcadero website.

The videos, in order, are:

Chapter 0: Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1: Object & Library Compatibilities
Chapter 2: Creating Compatible DLLs
Chapter 3: Sharing Data Between and Debugging Mixed Projects
Chapter 4: Sharing Open Files
Chapter 5: Sharing Data Structures
Chapter 6: Dynamic DLL Linkage
Chapter 7: Comparing GUI Development Part 1 – Visual C++ MFC
Chapter 8: Comparing GUI Development Part 2 – C++Builder VCL
Chapter 9: Wrap-Up and Review

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