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Smartsheet on turning marketing chaos into a smooth operation

Three new Smartsheet Accelerators have been launched to help marketers transform all-too-frequent chaos into operationalised processes for campaign management, marketing shared services, and events.

The Smartsheet Accelerator for Marketing Shared Services helps teams collaborate more effectively on creative work.

The Smartsheet Accelerator for Campaign Management includes a campaign calendar for organising marketing activities around new launches.

The Smartsheet Accelerator for Events aims at empowering cross-functional teams to plan, manage, and deliver events while increasing transparency and accountability across stakeholders.

Blogging for Smartsheet, Melissa Hopelain and senior marketing solutions manager Dan Bloom note that marketers are being challenged like never before, often asked to do more with less in every campaign.

Marketers are often asked to work with multiple tools and workstreams. On a new product campaign, for example, they may both own workstreams and have to collaborate with co-workers in design, marketing automation, and others who own different stages of the overall process.

When teams don’t work as one, it becomes increasingly difficult to move a business forward.

“In fact, a study found that 67% of businesses suffer from reduced ROI due to siloed marketing activities, and that inefficient marketing efforts lead to 32% longer campaign cycle time,” they wrote.

Read the full blog post.

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