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Animating Providence healthcare with Vyond video training

Vyond, the animation software vendor, has been talking up a customer training video project with Providence St Joseph Health in the USA.

Until now, the healthcare company had used instructor-led training but felt that the formats weren’t sufficiently engaging, according to the Vyond case study, which can be read here. In addition, the company wanted to dramatically transform and enhance its core services by 2022.

“The modalities we used were passive and not especially captivating,” said Johnny Hamilton, senior learning designer at Providence. “Managers, for example, during role-playing, didn’t always use a lot of emotion, so the scenarios lost their impact.”

Flyers that inform about best practice in managing care staff can be scanned by managers, activating a Vyond video on how to run one-on-one meetings with care staff, according to Vyond. This helped extend learning beyond the classroom or scheduled lessons.

Alternatively, instructors can distribute an image card to be scanned using the Zappar app, which then plays a Vyond animation playing out a caregiving scenario that would involve manager input.

“Animated videos support story-based learning design, which is a proven methodology to increase comprehension and retention of course material,” said Hamilton. “With animation, you can place the course content into a workplace context with characters and props, so learners can readily relate.”

Elearning! Magazine ranked Providence seventh in their list of 50 top learning organisations in 2019 for 2019 for their new training solution.

“The AR-driven job aids were also received well by managers with an 80% play rate and a 78% engagement rate,” according to Vyond.

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