wonderfully unique software solutions

How TechSmith helps Cravings Popcorn make – and keep – friends

Chad Jordan, managing director of Cravings Popcorn, uses TechSmith video capture, recording and editing solutions to build a loyal fan base around his brand that keeps coming back for more.

It’s all about making them feel like old friends.

Jordan points out that the small Lansing, Michigan company has to market itself cleverly. Perfecting the culinary skills is not enough to keep winning in today’s highly competitive markets, and the written word, too, could only take him so far via social media.

“People consume information in different ways,” Jordan says. “I wanted to differentiate myself from competitors by building close relationships with my customers. Video turned out to be a more natural way for me to do so.”

Cravings Popcorn enlisted the help of a local video production company to make shareable videos for customers. It helps, Jordan believes, for customers to not only know about the new products but be able to see and hear him as well. But he still wanted to keep things simple.

“I bought Camtasia and Snagit (from TechSmith) to start producing quick videos on my own,” he says. “I now use my video production company for more involved video projects and produce quick video updates for customers on my own.”

Video helps Jordan build customer relationships, promote products and increase loyalty.

Download the full TechSmith case study here.

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